As the new year gets underway I am looking forward to lots of new and interesting work ahead for 2020. Later on this year I will have a solo exhibition at the Union Gallery in Edinburgh, which will be a dedicated tarot exhibition in conjunction with the release of the deck I have been creating over the last two years. I have 18 pieces left to complete and at the moment I am working with a designer to format the images into card format – it’s very exciting to see it all taking shape !
This week I have started four new pieces – Strength, Justice, the Ten of Swords and the Ten of Cups. I tend to start a ‘crop’ of paintings so that I can keep working while things are drying or while I decide where to take them next. Sometimes I have a very clear image of how I want the painting to look, but mostly I just start with a general idea of where I’m going and then it takes on a life of its own. It’s really interesting for me to see the card imagery I have known for so many years coming to life through the paintings.
In tandem with my tarot pieces I am also developing ideas for a new body of work around the theme of “Hearts and Minds’. To help me refine this, I am returning to the (extremely helpful and clever) researchers at the University of St Andrews next week for some discussions. My previous work with women scientists is always at the back of my mind, and I have continued to be inspired by the many crossovers between art and science. Watch this space!
Finally, I am happy that my work is featuring on the posters of two exciting upcoming events in fife – International Women’s Day and Remembering Scotland’s Accused Witches Conference
Thanks for reading and if you’d like to get in touch then you can contact me via the contact page.